Submission Guideline

Important Dates:

Final version of Paper due (Submission Deadline): 10 November 2024

Instruction for submission

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the confernce email: entitled with "paper submission+TEL"; or online manuscript tracking system Morressier System
    Only Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) files can be submitted through the conference email, and the page limit is not less than 6 pages. The submitting author takes responsibility for the manuscript during submission and peer review. For submiting your paper or technical help contact
    Please Click here to download the Paper format to prepare your submission
  2. All submissions should be written in English with a minimum paper length of Six (6) printed pages in single column format (The A4 page size is used)
    Article Structure, Please use the article structure outlined below:
    • Title of the manuscript
    • Names (spelled out in full) of all the authors*, and the institutions with which they are affiliated)
    • Corresponding author's details (name, email, mailing address)
    • Introduction
    • Abstract
    • Main text
    • References
    • Tables
    • Figures
    • Acknowledgements (optional)
  3. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed for their quality, correctness, originality and relevance, Authors are responsible for co-authorship statement (if and when necessary) and for the originality of submitted articles.
  4. Each page in excess of 6 will incur an extra charge of 350 CNY.
  5. Please prepare your full paper in Word Version, make sure to check spelling, grammar, all text and figures, and submit it to conference email:
  6. The review result will be sent to the submitting author within 1-2 weeks after the Editorial Office receives the submission.

Peer Review Process

  1. The following is the our editorial workflow that each manuscript submitted to EPower 2024 undergoes during the course of the peer-review process. All the steps will be done via Online submission paltform.
  2. Once a manuscript is submitted for publication, the manuscript is checked by the EPower Editorial Office to ensure the files are complete and that the relevant metadata are in order.
  3. Once this step is done, the manuscript is assigned to our Academic Editor on the basis of subject expertise.
  4. The Editor performs an initial assessment before inviting 2-3 potential reviewers to provide a peer-review report. (Editor can reject a manuscript prior to review if not suitable.) On the basis of the submitted reports the Editor makes one of the following recommendations:
  • Reject
  • 1- “Reject,” the authors will be notified that their manuscript will no longer be considered for publication in the conference proceeding within 5-7 days.

  • Consider after Major Revisions
  • 2-“Consider after Major Changes” the authors are notified to prepare and submit an updated version of their manuscript with the necessary changes suggested by our reviewers. This might require new data to be collected or substantial revision of the manuscript. The manuscript is then reassessed by 1 or 2 of the original reviewers, then they may give a new recommendation.

  • Consider after Minor Revisions
  • 3-“Consider after Minor Changes” the authors are notified to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript with the required minor changes suggested by the reviewers.

  • Accepted
  • 4-“Accpeted” the manuscript will undergo a final check by the EPES’s editorial office and author should finish the registration. Once done, the manuscript will be included in the conference proceeding.

Plagiarism FAQ

  1. Authors are insisted to submit their original work only (without plagiarism), the authors will take the sole responsibility for all the issues related to plagiarism.
  2. Authors are strongly advised to understand about plagiarism before submitting their manuscript.
  3. The authors shall warrant that the Materials (including the Work and Presentation) have not been published, that they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that their publication is approved by all authors and if accepted, they will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language.